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Black Lives Matter

Writer's picture: Miss LyssMiss Lyss

Dear Clients and Friends,

My mission as Miss Lyss Planning is to be a trusted friend, advocate, and advisor for one’s celebrations of marriage. I believe that love is love, and people are people. We are all of the human race and folks of all colors deserve equity and justice, especially as Americans. Recent current events have brought to light the injustice that some of our human race has unfairly endured and my heart pours out to them. The families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahumaud Arbery and countless others have lost brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters to prejudice, intolerance, and hatred.

The blinders of my privilege have been acknowledged and removed as the amplification of injustice and the voice of our peers has echoed and been heard. It has served as a stark reality check of the privilege I have been fortunate with.

The past week has been a time of reflection and thought of what I can do better, personally, and what Miss Lyss Planning can do better as a trusted friend and advocate. I feel that now is often a time of misconstrued statements, words without actions, and empty promises. All I can say is that I am trying to do my best, research, learn, listen, and support where and how I can.

For the remainder of 2020, and potentially beyond, a portion of Miss Lyss Planning profits will support a rotating circuit of diversity and inclusion organizations, both locally to Lancaster County and nationally. Those organizations include, but are not limited to: The Mix at Arbor PlaceLancaster YWCA Center for Racial and Gender Equity, NAACP, and Color of Change. If there is an organization that you believe we should contribute to, please let us know.

I also welcome any conversation you’d like to have further about these matters.

Wishing all my clients and friends health, happiness, safety, and equity.



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